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- What is "In Dreaming?"

In Dreaming is the novel that Somnus is a prequel of sorts to. Basically, Eminis is a major character in a decent chunk of the book (Belva also makes an appearance for a time), and I felt that it would be important for his backstory to be expanded upon. He's a really important character in regards to portraying some of the more major messages I wanted to get across. He also has the most intricate and interesting backstory in my opinion, and I feel like it's worth writing out in some medium, then I realized a visual novel would be perfect. As for the novel In Dreaming, because I suck at writing, I'm leaving it to my fiance, who is going to write it after they finish their current short novel. With their amazing writing skill, I have no doubts it'll actually be published one day. At that time, In Dreaming is what happens after the bad ending of Somnus.


- What's up with that gorgeous promotional/cover image for the visual novel that's on the home page?
It's drawn by kirimatsu from deviantart and it is wonderful, isn't it?
It's depicting Belva standing in front of Somnus.
I chose Belva because other than Eminis (who is a main character in 1/3 of In Dreaming) she is the closest link to Somnus in the novel of In Dreaming.
(For Version 2, I hope to commission the same artist for a large picture of all 4 date-able characters standing infront of the city)

- How are you getting the sprites for the visual novel?
A wonderful artist named itozumi is drawing the character sprites for me!

- What are you doing for Background Music (BGM)?
I'm using free-to-use music I find on the internet. I know that sounds pretty bad, but I've actually found a LOT of music that fits perfectly already! Including a gorgeous ending theme song that playsd on the home page.
(For Version 2, I'll probably keep the exact same BGM. It's amazing, seriously.)

- What about background images?
Also free-to-use images, since I has no funds. They all fit the image I wanted pretty well, though! Even if I can never commission any backgrounds, I'm still fairly satisfied with what I have.
(For Version 2, would like to commission someone for background images)

- Will this have Hentai scenes in it?
Absolutely not! Not even if everyone begs! D;<
This story is not about sex.

- So what kind of visual novel is this exactly?
A dating-sim visual novel, like Clannad, Hatoful Boyfriend, etc.
There's a common route. You raise flags to get events with a dateable character.
Raise enough flags for one character, you get on their route.

Please note that actually dateing them is OPTIONAL. You CAN remain just best friends in order to read their entire route. With this in mind, please read all of the character's storylines in order to fully understand the story.

- How much will you charge for the visual novel once it comes out?
It will be 100% free to play! I could never charge for something that uses free-use background images and BGM! 
(For Version 2, I may put it on Steam or something, depending on how popular it was during Version 1)

- I see you can date females and males. What gender is the player supposed to be?
The player is genderless, to ensure that everyone can enjoy the game.
For the full experience, I strongly recommend you play through all 4 routes.

- When will Version 1 of the visual novel come out?
If I could finish it by the end of this year, that'd be nice. ;w;
I have a busy RL though, so no guarantees on any sort of date. 

- When will Version 2 of the visual novel come out?
When the novel In Dreaming is published. Because then I will have the funds for the improved art.

- Can I contribute something?
YES PLEAS- I mean, probably! If you have anything that you made yourself, that's free-use, or that you got permission from someone to use, and you think it fits this visual novel, please note me and let me know! I am totally open to contributions if I feel they will fit. If you want to offer to make something, I would love that. owo

- I can't contribute art or anything, but I still want to help. Can I donate to the cause of this visual novel being made/improved?
Oh wow, I appreciate the thought! ;w; I honestly don't think many people will care until In Dreaming comes out..
Because of that, I didn't bother to make a kickstarter or anything, but if even one person shows interest in donating, it will be made! Just let me know by contacting me.


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